Monday, September 13, 2010


Here are two different versions of a drawing I did call "The Shplorkel":

For the image above I used textures lifted from photos to color everything in. That's a real rug they're standing on, and they have real skin and real wood on the door.

And this one was colored more traditionally. Which one do you prefer?

Friday, July 16, 2010

An Exercise in Simplicity

Sometimes, less is more.

"A Cat, a Man and a Fish"
"A Girl"
"The Details Are Sketchy"

Forgive Me, Blog Gods!!

Yes, it seems I have committed an unforgivable sin against the Blog Gods by not posting anything in six months (!!). In a doomed attempt to redeem myself, here are a couple of random drawings from yours truly:

"Portrait of a Dog Contemplating the Dream That We Call Life"
"Too Many Drinks"
"Thumbs Up"
"Jittery Santa"
"Graduation Self-Portrait"
"Frustrated Cat"
"The Dentist's Office"
"Albert the Illusion"

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ring In the New Year With the Coffee Blog!

Well, the Christmas break is over and unfortunately that means back to school. But in the interests of giving you a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down, here are a handful of school-themed comic panels I drew up for the Pickerington Central school newspaper: